Devesh Nirmul

Devesh Nirmul, of Indian origin, was born in South Africa and currently resides in the Tampa Bay Area of Florida where he regularly performs with a Flamenco Ensemble. Classically trained on the Viola, Devesh begin exploring the fusion of string sound with the more traditional guitar and vocal elements of contemporary music making especially in the more alternative genres. Devesh continues to expand his musical boundaries and while residing in DC he had an opportunity begin collaborating with other musicians on the Ova Record label. Devesh has also broadened his musical training by exploring his roots and taking up the Kashmiri Santoor in the traditional South Asian style of musical philosophy, training and performance. His quest for harmony is echoed in his professional life where he works to advance the principles of sustainable development, balancing humankind and the natural environment we are all a part of. As you listen to the Viola on the “Thin Ice” track of Jette-Ives’ “In The Deep”, you will hear Devesh seeking the right balance and contrast with vocal line.

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